2.aulos,auletes,fistula(organ + fistula) ,sinus,
shunt(types of shunt),trachea,pipe,oesophagus,
Isthmus,tract,road,meatus,gullet , cylinder,voyage,via,anastomosis .
3.रासता,गली,नाली,धमनी,शिरा,मार्ग,पथ ..
A = auletes , aulos , anastomosis
B = bronchium , bar , bone
C = cylinder , canal , canaliculi
D = duct
E =
F = fistula
G = gullet
H =
I = isthmus
J =
K =
L =
M = meatus , मार्ग,
N = नाली
O = oesophagus
P = pipe , passage , पथ,
R = road , rod , route, रास्ता
S = street , sinus , shunt
T = tract
U =
V = voyage , via , vessel , वाहिका
Types of fistula
1.tracheoesophageal fistula
2.branchial fistula
3.rectovaginal fistula
4.rectovesical fistula
5.uterovesical fistula
Types of shunt
1.when there is no blood supply but there is ventilation hence v/q = 0
2.transjugular intrahepatic shunt
Types of anastomosis
1.surgical anastomosis or connections like connecting esophagus to intestine directly by removing stomach
.. .
1.volume of a cylinder =
2.surface area of a cylinder
3.length of the tube and volume of a tube like blood vessel …
4. 🌐🌐🌐🌐
1.the secret passage
2.the secret route
3.the secret road to hell
4.the secret
5.road number 123
6.national highway 11